By-Cody Presson
Denmark-King Cristan X has orderd me too send out this paper behind the illegal ones,one scientist just made a break through. They made a napkin with cocane and rabbits blood,it makes the dogs sense of smell temparaly go blank. So when you or some Jews hide they can’t get caught.And we heard that sweaden is accepting Jews because it is still free!! We also found out that the USA just got involved in WWII, and that they have big wepons we hear. So the war might be over before we thought. We just got done interveiwing a NAZI and he said that he belives that at first Hitler was a good man but now he is to powerful.King Cristan X is starting to get old and how he fell of his horse we are all concerned about the JEWS, the NAZI’S have tricks to find them. We are also lucky that we blew up our own navy or else the NAZI’S would have used them for their advantige. This is Cody Presson thank you for listening.